Black Ops Hypnosis 2.0

Black Ops Hypnosis

I know you came here looking for answers, so let’s keep this simple!

And guess what. People are talking for a reason.


Before we go any further, I must give you this warning:

This is advanced mental technology. If you’re looking for “A Beginners Guide To Hypnosis” you won’t find it here.

On this site you’ll find exactly how to mind control anyone you want, any time, any place, and all without them knowing.

Here’s What You’re Getting

You’re about to get your hands on the EXCLUSIVE training audios that explain Dark Side Hypnosis and Mind Control in BRUTAL detail.

  • Dark side Hypnosis REVEALED (27 minutes). I know you want to know how these advanced tactics work and what Dark Side Hypnosis is, so this is the section for you.
  • The Godfather Method (46 minutes). In this audio we go into detail about the RARE and COVETED Godfather Method.
  • The Authority Hijack (50 minutes). Ever wonder how to enter any social situation or any group of people and instantly command attention?
  • The Powerful EMPIRE MAN Technique (55 minutes). In this section I reveal to you the secret “EMPIRE MAN” technique to give you more confidence then you ever thought possible

In addition to this, you also receive:

  • The Dangerously Effective Dark Shadow Technique (37 minutes). For the first time I’m going to reveal this advanced tactic that will give you a window into anyone’s soul.
  • The Hidden Persuaders (1 hour, 19 minutes). This section teaches you the skills for covert, conversational hypnosis so that you can bend someone’s mind around to your way of thinking.
  • The Forbidden OCTOBER MAN Sequence (40 minutes). Saying these magic words will instantly get anyone so attracted to you they’ll want to tear your clothes off and take you home right away.
  • The Lie Detector (1 hour, 10 minutes). This section reveals the secrets to detecting deceit so you will never be lied to again.